Saturday, November 15, 2008

My friend's story but yet to be a Love Story

I was thinking if it was worth a blog and then realized that it might be worth it for someone or the other. Last few months I have been observing my colleague/friend ,and for the sake of the blog and privacy would like to name him Laurel.

As far as I know Laurel was a studious and untiring worker bee who never had a queen bee or had ever tried for one.He just looks at bees but never makes an attempt to open up even if given a good chance.Though being a dedicated worker bee he never had a chance to work with any queen bees but is it not reality for any ice to break someday."How did it break" would be your inquiry.Let me break it for you by saying that Laurel had to learn some office stuff from a sleeky hammering (sizzling ,oops !!!!) bee. The Laurel and Hardy "bee" pair worked for months together,and so I observed that Laurel learned a lot of office stuff from the sleeky bee but never knew that a soft corner had developed within him.Since on questioning he never revealed anything it made me feel that it was my perception.One fine day the hammering bee flew away from the hive to another for better prospects and it was thought to be obvious that it had no corners (soft or hard) for Laurel.

Time of course passes and reveals a lot as it does.Isn't it true? Laurel knew that it was something sky high.It was observed that both the bees though in different hives were friends now.Laurel keeps chatting whenever he has time and Ms.Hammer too considered him a friend.Everything seemed fine to me but some other ice broke now .After hearing that Ms Bee Hammer already had a King bee in some other country I was sure whatever I had observed might be my assumption/perception........; whatever you want to name it.

Many a times I tried to observe Laurel by purposefully talking about Ms.Hammer but in vain,guess what ?.I could find no confirmed signs on the worker bee.As expected It was not a long wait to learn that both bees met whenever given an opportunity.Whenever someone talked about Hammer,Laurel threw one of ears to grab something.In spite of such positive signs,signals ...;whatever you want to name it............. Laurel never gives in to the "might be true" fact that he has some corner for Ms.Hammer.

I have nothing more to say about this "Yet to be a Love story" or "Might not be a Love story".Well,let me keep it as an open page and update if there is some honey from the bees.


I fall from some place which is high enough from the ground like a building/tower/mountain.Initially it used to be frightening and I wake up but now I realize that its a dream.Anytime the dream re-occurs I have started to enjoy the fall as if I were flying and the moment I realize its time to wake up so that there's no crash,I wake-up.